According to BBC, the girls were released in the early hours of Thursday, October 13. More than 200 girls were abducted from their schools in Borno state in 2014 by the terrorists and while some of them have reportedly died, the rest have been held by the dreaded group. Garba Shehu senior special adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on media and publicity, spoke to a popular Nigerian blogger via phone and said he does not have information yet: “I don’t have any information on the release of the girls, I’m trying to understand what’s going on.” He later confirmed the release of the girls and said they have been handed over to the Department of State Service.
Gkelly's College Story - Back to College Godwin Bello is the real name and the me name still remains Gkelly. Firstly I want to thank God almighty for his mercies, favours and unmerited chances to survive till this day. I will also like thank my Parents' in the persons' of Pastor and Pastor Mrs. Bello and my entire family especially my precious jewel Bethel" who was there for me even when friends where away she always come around in which she thought me not to ever mistake families with friends because you can just buy a pal with a bite of cracker biscuit's but Blood is natural. It was exactly eight years after a nigga finish school as Nigerians will say. i.e (O'Level) and a nigga have to spend another 4 years to hustle on the streets to stash some cash to go to college. 3 years in FUT Minna, A nigga was offered admission to study Electronics and Forensic Computing. In 200L when a nigga got problems issues that affected a niggas life and dropped out of s...
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